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How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

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Reading Time: 3 minutes


With the increased number of people using mobile devices to access the internet, it’s more important than ever for your website to be responsive. Making sure that your site is mobile-friendly can help you reach a larger audience and make it easier for users to navigate through your content. In this post, we’ll show you how to optimize your website for mobile devices so that anyone can enjoy using it regardless of which device they’re on.

Make your website responsive.


Responsive design is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). Responsive web design (RWD) adapts the layout of a website to the device that is being used to view it.

Reduce the size of any image on your site.

It is important to reduce the size of any image on your site. Images that are too large will make a page load slower and use more bandwidth.

The recommended image file size depends on what type of device you’re targeting:

  • Mobile devices – Less than 250KB
  • Laptops and desktops – Less than 640KB

Ensure that your content is readable without zooming.

The font you use should be easy to read on all devices, but it’s especially important on mobile phones. Users of smartphones and tablets typically have lower-resolution screens than desktop users, which means the text appears smaller and less readable.

In general, sans-serif fonts are easier to read in small sizes than serif fonts; this is because serifs become difficult to distinguish when they’re too small. For example, look at these two words:

  • Sans-serif: “font”
  • Serif: “font”

Enable mobile-friendly video.

To ensure that your videos are mobile-friendly, make sure the following:

  • Your video is not too long. It should not be more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length.
  • Your video has closed captions enabled. This makes it easy for viewers who are hard of hearing or deaf to understand what you’re saying.

Place HTML elements in predictable places.

One of the most important ways to optimize your website for mobile devices is to place HTML elements in predictable places. For example, if you have a certain type of image that’s used on all pages of your site, you should place it at the bottom left instead of randomly placing it in different locations on each page. This will help to ensure consistency across all pages and will make it easier for search engines like Google to crawl your website efficiently.

Make it easy for users to move around your site.

You’ll want to make sure your website is easy for everyone to navigate, regardless of how they’re accessing it. This means making sure that your site is keyboard-accessible, mouse-accessible, touch-accessible and voice-accessible.

  • Keyboard: People using a computer with a keyboard can use the tab button to move between elements on your site. If you have buttons or links that don’t have text labels visible directly below them (so they are only available in the source code), you can use WAI ARIA attributes like “role=”button”” or “role=”link.”
  • Mouse: Some people who browse the web may be able to use just their mouse but not their keyboard (for example, someone in an assisted living facility). Make sure there aren’t any areas where users can get stuck by being unable to move around within sections of content (such as dropdown menus) by clicking on things like navigation links or buttons that open menus without closing them; this way users will know when they’ve reached an endpoint where they’ll need more information before continuing onward into another part of content.


With these tips, you should be well on your way to optimizing your site for mobile devices. Remember that it’s a process and not an event. Make sure that you test each change and keep an eye on analytics data to see how users are responding to each adjustment. The more time you spend testing different solutions, the better off you’ll be when it comes time for launch!

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