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Which Web Hosting Is Best For WordPress

Which Web Hosting Is Best For WordPress

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction Hi there! You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for information on what’s the best web hosting for your WordPress site. In this post, we’ll go over the different types of WordPress hosting and explain why each one is a good option. Shared hosting for WordPress Shared hosting is the easiest way […]

How HTTP Redirect Works

How HTTP Redirect Works

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction An HTTP redirect is a server-side tool that tells search engine bots and visitors where your site has moved to. It’s often used to update the address of a website, as well as to move content to a new domain. Redirects also help you avoid duplicate content penalties by ensuring that Google doesn’t index […]

What Is Web Hosting?

What Is Web Hosting?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Web hosting is a service that allows you to store and display your website on the web. It’s a way of storing, displaying, and distributing information through the internet. If you’re new to the world of website hosting, you may be wondering what exactly it does or why it’s important. Let me explain! What […]

Why a Website Is Important

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction A website is the first impression that you make with your potential customers. If they like it, they might keep coming back to your site and eventually become a customer. However, if they don’t like it, or don’t find what they need on your website, then there is no second chance to get them […]

What Factors are Important for SEO On Page Ranking

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction If you want to rank on Google, you need to know what factors matter. In this post, we’ll go over all of the most important on page SEO factors. Factors that contribute to on page SEO. There are a number of factors that contribute to on page SEO. Here are the most important ones: […]

11 Things To Look For In A Reseller Hosting Package

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Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction If you are looking to become a reseller and sell hosting services, then you will need to look for a good reseller host. This is where many people make mistakes. They go after the cheapest option on the market instead of looking at what they get in return for their investment. In this article […]

How to Secure Your Website’s Virtual Private Server

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction If you’re hosting your website on a virtual private server (VPS), you’ve probably already secured it against common attacks, like bots crawling your site or hackers trying to guess which account names and passwords are in use. But there are still more ways that attackers can try to break into your server. The best […]

Why Your Blog Strategy Isn’t Driving Traffic

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction You know the basics of blogging: You write blog articles, you add some SEO keywords, and you have a few images in there. But sometimes that’s not enough. You could be writing amazing content and still not see any traffic on your site! That’s why I’ve put together this list of tips to help […]

Drupal vs WordPress: What’s the Difference?

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction If you’re looking to build a website, the first thing to consider is what kind of technology you want to use. Drupal and WordPress are two of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in use today. Both CMSs are open source, which means that they were built with input from many communities around […]

Why Should I Use Node.js?

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction If you’re a developer, you’ve probably heard of Node.js. The open source JavaScript runtime environment is a powerful tool for building server-side software. It provides an event-based architecture and non-blocking I/O requests, which makes it easy to build scalable applications with low latency websites. In this guide, we’ll explore why you should use Node […]