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Create a Strong Password You Can Remember

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Reading Time: 3 minutes


Passwords are a necessary evil of modern-day life. But if you’ve ever had your password hacked, or struggled to remember one that’s too long and complex, you know just how frustrating it can be. Luckily there are ways to create strong passwords that are easy to remember—and they don’t require any special software either. Here’s how:

Choose something you can easily remember, but is hard to guess.

To create a strong password, you need to choose something that’s easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.

Here are some examples:

  • My birthday is October 5th and my favorite color is red so I could use the phrase “October fifth red” as my password. The key here is that it won’t be obvious because there are no spaces between the words, but it will still be simple enough so I can easily remember it.
  • Another idea could be using some of your favorite hobbies as inspiration for a password – like “#cricket#golf#tennis

Use passphrases.

It’s a good idea to use passphrases rather than passwords. Passphrases are longer, easier to remember and harder to crack than passwords. To create one:

  • Choose a sentence or phrase that you can easily remember (e.g., “I like my coffee black and bitter.”)
  • Add numbers, symbols and capital letters on both sides of the words in your phrase (e.g., “iLIKEmYcoFFEEblACKANdBITTEryMUCH.”).

You can also use a passphrase generator tool if you’d like help coming up with one that fits your situation (for example, if you have an account with a company that requires complex passwords).

Make sure it’s at least 12 characters long.

The length of your password is perhaps the most important factor. The longer it is, the better—at least 12 characters. That’s because a long passphrase (a password comprised of multiple words) is far less likely to be guessed using a brute force attack than a short one. In fact, according to security firm BruteProtect, it would take an attacker over 6 years on average to guess just one complex password with 16 characters or more (assuming they’re using a GPU-based program).

Longer passwords are also much harder for hackers to crack using tools like John the Ripper or Hashcat, which can test millions of guesses per second against many types and lengths of passwords at once. And while there are no guarantees that these programs will never crack your passphrase eventually—especially if it’s short or simple—you’ll certainly have more time than you’d get with any other method!

Don’t use any personal information in your password.

  • Do not use a password that contains any personal information. This includes your name, birth date, address and phone number.
  • If you need a password that is easy to remember and hard to guess, think of something funny or weird instead of using personal information like the names of pets or family members.

Include all four character types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

There are four character types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Combining them in a strong password is the first step to creating one that you can remember. Your password shouldn’t contain any recognizable words (or even parts of words) because they can be easily hacked by software designed to guess what’s in your mind. If someone guesses your password correctly, they’ll have access to any information stored on that account—and you’ll have no way of knowing about it until after the damage has been done!

Try a password manager.

  • Use a password manager that offers two-step verification. If you’re looking for the ultimate in security and convenience, consider using a password manager to keep track of all your passwords.
  • Don’t rely on memory: Keep only one copy of the master password—and make sure it’s stored in a location where no one else can get access to it—and use that master as an encryption key for all other passwords. If you lose or forget this single key, then you will not be able to access any of your online accounts ever again!


We hope this guide has helped you create a strong password that’s easy to remember. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments below!

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